Dynamic study on the influence of anti-interferon-alpha 1b antibodies in interferon-alpha 1b therapy for chronic hepatitis B
摘要: 采用酶联免疫法检测了 148例接受干扰素 (IFN)治疗慢性乙肝患者血清中的干扰素体 (抗 -IFN) ,结合HBVDNA荧光定量检测动态分析抗 -IFN产生对IFN疗效的影响。结果显示 :在抗体阳性者中 ,抗 -IFN的产生能够逆转HBVDNA水平的下降趋势 ,应答率和持续应答率均明显低于抗体阴性者 (P <0 0 1)。提示抗 -IFN可能是影响IFN近、远期疗效的重要因素。Abstract: patients with CHB treated with IFN were observed dynamically by enzyme immunoassay for the presence of anti-IFN and fluorescent quantitative assessment for serum HBV DNA loads tostudy the effects the development of anti-IFN negating the antiviral response to IFN therapy The results showed that the development of anfi-IFN could reverse the inifial falling trend of the overall serum HBV DNA loads during IFN treatment The rates of complete response and sustained response were sihnificantly lower in patients with anti-IFN (P<0 01) Conclusion suggested that the appearance of anti-IFN during IFN treatment of CHB may be the important factor influencing the short-andlong-term effectiveness of IFN therapy
Key words:
- Chronic hepatitis B /
- Interferon α /
- Anti-interferon antibodies
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