The histologic characteristics and Fas/FasL expression in liver tissues of the patients with acute TTV infection alone
摘要: 研究单一TTV急性感染患者肝组织病理损害特点及与Fas/FasL表达的关系。对某职业学校TTV感染流行期间 18例住院确诊患者肝活检组织 ,采用HE、浸银Gomori染色及免疫组织化学染色方法进行观察。 18例肝穿刺标本中出现汇管区炎 14例 ( 77.8% ) ,胆小管损害 6例 ( 33.4% ) ,肝小叶内灶状坏死 7例 ( 38.9% ) ,小泡性脂肪变 (微脂滴 ) 3例 ( 16 .7% ) ,汇管区纤维化 2例 ( 11.1% )。免疫组化检测显示 :77.8%病例肝组织不同程度Fas检测阳性 ,较密集分布在坏死区及汇管区旁。 6 1.1%病例肝细胞不同程度FasL检测阳性 ,其炎性坏死区的单个核细胞多有FasL的表达。Fas/FasL表达阳性的肝细胞分布方式及表达程度有明显一致性。单一TTV感染可致患者肝组织轻度炎性病变 ,其特征是汇管区炎及胆小管损害。Fas/FasL介导的细胞凋亡机制可能参与了TTV致肝组织损害的过程。Abstract: To study the liver histologic characteristics and the expression of Fas/FasL (Fas ligand) in liver tissuess of the patients with TTV (transfusion trsnsmitted virus) infection alone and to evaluate the possible pathogenetic role of apoptosis mediated by Fas/FasL system for the liver lesion in these patients.Eighteen cases of paraffin embedded liver tissues of the hospitalized patients with TTV infection occurred during an epidemic in a professional school in Wuhan city were observed by H&E stain, Gomori stain, and immunohematology stain.The histologic characteristics were as follow:portal tract inflammation 77.8% (14/18) , interlobular bile duct damage 33.4% (6/18) , focus necrosis 38.9% (7/18) , microvesicular fatty 16.7% (3/18) , and portal tract fibrosis 11.1% (2/18) .Out of Eighteen cases, Fas positive hepatocytes were detected in fourteen cases (77.8%) and more aggregated in periportal areas and necrosis areas.FasL positive hepatocytes were detected in eleven cases (66.1%) . FasL positive hepatocytes were esentially consistent both in expression degree and distribution pattern with Fas positive hepatocytes.TTV infection may be solely responsible for the liver mild inflammation of these patients, the characteristics of liver histology are portal inflammation and interlobular bile duct damage.Apoptosis mediated by Fas/FasL system may play an inportant role for the liver lesion in these patients.
Key words:
- Viral hepatitis /
- TTV /
- Histology /
- Apoptosis /
- Immunohematology
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