Pathological study of TTV related hepatitis established in situ hybridization
摘要: 探讨TTV相关肝炎的病理变化。原位杂交法检测 5 9例血清TTV阳性者肝组织TTVDNA。TTV阳性与阴性组ALT、HAI比较无显著差别 ;TTV阳性组界面性炎症、融合性坏死、灶性坏死、汇管区炎与分级相关系数分别为 0 .872 ,0 .880 ,0 .82 4,0 .943。虽然TTV存在嗜肝性 ,但其致病性尚不明确。Abstract: To study the Pathological changes of TTV related hepatitis.In situ hybridization was used to detect TTV infection in liver specimens of 59 patients with TTV positive in serum.Compare ALT and HAI.there are no prominent differences between TTV (+) and TTV ( ) group;in TTV (+) group, the correlation coefficient between plate inflammation, confluent necrosis, focal necrosis, portal inflammation and grading was 0.872, 0.880, 0.824, 0.943, respectively.Although the hepatotropism of TTV may be exist but it does not have a causative role for hepatitis.
Key words:
- TTV /
- hepatitis /
- Pathological
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