Changes of hepatic ultrastructure in patients with diabetes mellitus
摘要: 研究糖尿病 (DM)人肝脏的超微结构变化。对 2 0例DM患者行肝穿活检 ,所取标本行光、电镜观察。光镜下见核内糖原空洞、脂肪变性及间质纤维化。电镜下见 :核内糖原颗粒 ;胞浆糖原颗粒增多 ;粗面内质网 (RER)脱粒 ;滑面内质网 (SER)扩张 ;线粒体 (Mi)肿胀 ,嵴紊乱 ,结构消失或电子密度增高 ,结构不清 ;脂肪变性 ;间质纤维化。DM肝超微结构改变中最具特征性的是核内糖原颗粒。Abstract: Objective:To study the changes of hepatic ultrastructure in patients with diabetes mellitus.Methods:Liver biopsy and pathological examination were carried out in 20 diabetes mellitus patients.Result Under light microscope, It showed that nuclear glycogen cavity, fatty degeneration and interstitial fibrosis.Whereas electron microscope:nuclear glycogen granules;glycogen granules in cytoplasm increase;rough endoplasmic reticulum degranulation;smooth endoplasmic reticulum expansion;mitochondrial swelling, crista disorder or electron density increase;fatty degeneration;interstitial fibrosis.Conclusion:The most characteristic change of hepatic ultrastructure is nuclear glycogen granules in diabetes mellitus.
Key words:
- Diabetes mellitus /
- Liver /
- Ultrastructure
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