The effect of the iron metabolism abnormality on the hepatocytes damage of hepatitis B
摘要: 探讨血清铁代谢对乙型肝炎肝损伤的影响。对收治的 10 3例乙肝患者按临床分型 ,将铁代谢血清学指标与对照组进行均数的两两比较t检验。血红蛋白 (Hb)、血清铁蛋白 (SF)、转铁蛋白 (TRF)、血清铁 (SI)、总铁结合力 (TIBC)与乙型肝炎肝损伤相关。其中 ,SF、SI随肝损伤加重而增加 ,Hb、TRF、TIBC随肝损伤加重而减少。铁负荷过重可能协助HBV加重肝损伤 ,因此 ,检测铁代谢指标SF、TRF、ST、TIBC可以对乙型肝炎的治疗和预后作出评价。Abstract: WT5”BZ]Ojectiveto study the effect of iron metabolism on patients with hepatitis B Methods[WT5”BZ] Hemoglobin (Hb) , serum ferritin (SF) , transferritin (TRF) , serum iron (SI) , and totaliron binding capacity (TIBC) of 103 patients with hepatitis B and 20 healthy adults were detected The data were analyzed by the least significant difference (LSD) Results [WT5”BZ]The severer the hepatocytes damage was, the more the SF and SI decreased while the more highly the Hb, TRF and TIBC were furthermore, it seems more obviously among fulminant hepatits and liver cirrhosis Conclusion:The results suggest that the overload of iron may enhace the hepatocytes damage induced by HBV Therefore, to detect serum markers of iron metabolism is helpful to evaluate curative effect and prognosis of hepatits B [WT5”HZ]
Key words:
- WT5”BZ]hepatitis B /
- iron metabolism /
- hepatocytes damage
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