Primary study of the Relationship between NO and Liver injury in Chronic Hepatitis B
摘要: 检测各型乙型肝炎患者血清一氧化氮 (NO) ,谷丙转氨酶 (ALT)和血浆白蛋白 (ALB)含量的变化。收集各型乙型肝炎和肝炎后肝硬化患者及健康者血清作为对照 ,用NO试剂盒检测血清NO浓度 ,实验室常规检测ALT和 (ALB)水平。急性肝炎时 ,血清NO浓度降低 ,ALT升高 ,ALB无明显变化 ,而慢性肝炎、重型肝炎和肝炎后肝硬化患者血清NO和ALB显著升高 ,ALT降低。NO在各型乙肝的发病机制中可能起双重作用。Abstract: WT5”BZ]To study the change of Nitric oxide in sera of patients with different type of hepatitis B Sera obtained from 15 patients with acute hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis B hepatitis gravis B and posthepatitic cirrhosis respectively were examined using NO kit 15 healthy blood donors were used as control The concentration of NO in sera of acute hepatitis decreased obviously, but that of chronic hepetitis B, hepatitis gravis B and posthepatitic cirrhosis increased apparently NO may play a substantial role in pathogenesis of different type of hepatitis B [WT5”HZ]
Key words:
- WT5”BZ]hepatitis B /
- posthepatitic cirrhosis /
- NO
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