A clinical investigation of interferon αⅠb in the treatment of 100 patients with chronic hepatitis B
摘要: 10 0例慢性乙型肝炎用重组干扰素α Ⅰb治疗 ,每支 30 0万IU ,隔日肌注 ,连续五个月为疗程。对照组用重组干扰素α Ⅱb治疗 ,其剂量、用法及疗程与治疗组相同。结果治疗组与对照组比较 ,于疗程结束时 :HBeAg转阴率各为 47 0 %与 45 0 % ;HBV -DNA转阴率各为 5 3 0 %与 5 0 0 %。停药一年后随访时 :HBeAg持续转阴率各为 37 0 %与 36 0 % ;HBV -DNA持续转阴率各为 39 0 %与 37 0 %。二组间二项相比 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。说明赛若金与干扰能相比 ,具有疗效相仿 ,副反应低的优点。另对赛若金治疗血清肝纤维化指标的观察 ,于疗程结束时 ,其治前与治后比较HA各为 16 2 7± 6 8 5与 97 5± 43 3;Ⅳ c各为 79 8± 36 7与 5 6 5± 2 4 2。二项前后相比有显著差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ,提示赛若金有抗肝纤维化疗效。Abstract: patients with chronic hepatieis B were treated with recombinant interferon α Ⅰb 3 million IU with intramuscular in jecton every other day for five months The control group was treated with recombinant interferon α Ⅱb with same dose wsage and course At the end of treatment, serum HBeAg reansforming negative were 47 0% and 45 0%, respectively, HBV DNA transforming negative were 53 0% and 50 0%, respectively One year after the last administration, HBeAg transforming negative were 37 0% and 36 0% There is no statistical significance between the two groups (P>0 05) This shous that SINOGEN has the same therapeutn efficacy from Intron A but has Iower side effect than Intron A Meanuhile the index of hepatic fibrosis in serum were detected before and after treatment HA were 162 7±68 5 and 97 5±43 3, respectively (P<0 05) Ⅳ c were 79 8±36 7and56 5±24 2, respectively (P<0 05) It indicates that SINOGEN has efficacy of antihepatic fibrosis [WT5”HZ]
Key words:
- WT5”BZ]Chronic hepatitis B /
- Recombinant interferon α Ⅰb /
- Recombinant interferon α Ⅱb /
- HBeAg /
- HA /
- Ⅳ-c
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