Disorder of gastric motility and promoting effect of cisapride in patients with liver disaease
摘要: 本文利用B型超声方法检测了 2 0名正常志愿者及 5 0例肝硬化、肝癌患者的胃液体排空功能 ,同时观察单剂量西沙必利对患者胃排空的影响。结果显示正常胃液体半排空时间 (T1/ 2 )为 (13 90± 4 30 )分钟 ,肝硬化患者为 (39 36± 12 30 )分钟 ,肝癌患者为 (4 0 5 0± 8 91)分钟 ,病人与正常对照之间有非常显著的差别。口服西沙必利 10mg半小时后患者T1/ 2明显缩短至 (2 4 33± 11 17)分钟 ,P <0 0 5。从而说明了慢性肝病患者存在胃动力障碍 ,并提示西沙必利可改善这种障碍 ,为该类病人临床应用西沙必利缓解症状提供了理论依据。Abstract: WT5”BZ]There are a variety of digestive symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, early satiety, nausea, vomitting and heart burn in patients with cirrhosis or liver cancer In order to understand the mechanism of above mentioned symptoms further we have investigated the gastric liquid emptying in 20 normal volunteers and 50 patients with cirrhosis or liver cancer by B mode ultrasonography and the promoting effect of singledose cisapride The results show that the half gastric emptying time (T1/2) is 13 90±4 30 min in normal subjects and 39 36±12 30 min in patients with cirrhosis, 40 50±8 91 min in patients with liver cancer A significantly delayed gastric emptying was found in patients with cirrhosis or liver cancer comparing with control subjects (P<0 05) The T1/2 in patients can be shortened to 24 37±11 37 min after administration with 10 mg cisapride (P<0 05) All data indicate that the severely delayed gastric emptying in patients with chronic liver diseases is one of explanations of the digestive symptoms in the patients and cisapride is very useful for relieving patients from pain [WT5”HZ]
Key words:
- WT5”BZ]Cirrhosis /
- Liver cancer /
- Gastric motility /
- B mode ultrasonography /
- Cisapride
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