Clinical Study on Serology of TT Virus Infection and Pathogenicity in Lanzhou
摘要: 研究兰州地区供血员 ,静脉毒瘾者和肝病患者中TT病毒 (TTV)的感染状况及致病性。采用套式PCR技术检测 12 0例供血员 ,5 6例静脉毒瘾者和 74例肝病患者血清中TTVDNA。供血员TTVDNA检出率为7 5 % (9/12 0 ) ;静脉毒瘾者中TTVDNA检出率为 2 6 8% (15 /5 6 ) ;肝病患者中TTVDNA检出率为 13 4% (10 /74)。肝病患者的感染率与供血员和静脉毒瘾者相比 ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。在 10例TTVDNA阳性患者 ,6例为单一TTV感染 ,4例ALT增高 ,3例呈急性肝炎的临床症状。TTV感染可经血液和胃肠道传播 ,多呈病毒携带状态 ,也可单独引起急性肝炎 ,但致病性较弱。对TTV的病原学、流行病学和临床意义还有待进一步研究。Abstract: WT5”BZ]To study the infections rate and pathogenicity of transfusion transmitted Virus (TTV) among blood donors, intravenous drug abusers and patients with liver disease in Lanzhou TTV DNA from sera of blood donors intraverous drug abusers and patients with liver disease were detected by nested PCR (n PCR) :TTV DNA was detected in 9/120 (7 5%) sera of blood donors, in 15/56 (26 8%) sera of intravenous drug abusers and in 10/74 (13 4%) sera of patients with liver disease Among 10 TTV infected patients, there were 6 patients with Simple TTV infection, 4 cases were associated with elevated aminotransferase, 3 cases were AIH :The result indicated TTV that infection can be transmitted by blood and gastrointestinal but the pacthogenicity is mild Further study should be done to explore its eitiology epidmiology and clinical significance [WT5”HZ]
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