Molecular epidemiological and clinical study on TTV infection in nanjing area
摘要: 了解南京地区TTV(transfusiontransmittedvirus)感染情况 ,重叠TTV感染对慢性乙型肝炎病变程度和HBV复制的影响。采用巢式PCR(nestedpolymerasechainreaction)检测血清中TTVDNA。 46 9份血清中 ,TTVDNA总检出率为 2 1 1% ,其中健康人群、献血员、血透患者、甲型肝炎、乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎、戊型肝炎、庚型肝炎、非甲 -庚型肝炎检出率分别是 9 4%、33 3%、30 8%、11 6 %、19 9%、15 4%、8 7%、9 5 %、34 1% ;有 2 8例慢性乙型肝炎合并TTV感染 ,轻度、中度和重度各组患者中TTV检出率无显著差异 ,TTV阳性与阴性组之间肝功能改变相近 ,HBeAg或TTVDNA阳性与阴性组之间TTV检出率相当。结论 :南京地区存在TTV感染 ,TTV是导致非甲 -庚型肝炎的重要原因 ,TTV可能存在非血源性传播途径 ;慢性乙型肝炎重叠TTV感染对病变程度和HBV复制无明显影响。Abstract: WT5”BZ]To investigate the infection of TT virus (TTV) in Nanjing, the prevalence of TTV in the patients with chronic hepatitis B, and its influence clinical presentation and hepatitis B virus (HBV) repalication Nested PCR was applied in the detection of TTV DNA in serum samples Results:The total detection rate of TTV DNA was 21 1% (99/469) , and the detection rates were 11 6% (5/43) in hepatitis A, 19 9% (36/81) in hepatitis B, 15 4% (4/26) in hepatitis C, 8 7 (2/23) in hepatitis E, 9 5% (2/21) in hepatitis G and 34 1% (28/82) in non A to G hepatitis, 33 3% (10/30) in blood donor, 30 8% in hemodialysis patients and 9 4% in general population, respectively There was no statistic difference in TTV infection among mild, moderate and severe chronic hepatitis patients Neither age or sex of the patients or serum liver function tests differed between TTV positive and TTV negative groups No statistic difference was found between HBeAg/HBV DNA positive and HBeAg/HBV DNAnegative groups No statistic difference was found between HBeAg/HBV DNA positive and HBeAg/HBV DNA negative groups Conclusion:The result shows that TTV infection has been found in Nanging area TTV maybe the key cause of non A to G hepatitis and may have non transfusion transmit pathway TTV infection does not lead to a significant change in clinical manifestation or HBV replication [WT5”HZ]
Key words:
- WT5”BZ]TT virus /
- hepatitis B /
- polymerase chain reaction /
- cross infection
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