Study on the relationship between serum transforming growth factor-alpha level and liver function index in different type of liver diseases.
摘要: 探讨肝病患者血清TGFα的变化规律及其与肝功能损害的关系。用放射免疫法测定 172例各型肝病患者血清TGFα含量 ,测定各项肝功能指标 :ALT、AST、γ -GT、AKP、TB、A/G、AFP等。 (1)急性肝炎、慢性肝炎、肝硬化代偿期、肝硬化失代偿期、肝癌患者血清TGFα含量 (x±s)分别为 :(14 19± 7 30 )pg/ml、(11 2 8± 6 84) pg/ml、(8 14± 5 5 5 ) pg/ml、(16 0 2± 9 81) pg/ml、(19 89± 9 0 9)pg/ml,明显高于对照组 (6 86± 0 ,89) pg/ml((P <0 0 5 )。 (2 )TGFα和肝功能指标ALT、AST、γ -GT、AFP的相关有显著性意义 (P <0 0 0 5 ) ;而和AKP、TB、A/G的相关无显著性 (P >0 5 0 )。TGFα与肝病的慢性化及肝功能损害严重程度相关 ,检测血清TGFα对慢性肝病的预后估计尤其是肝硬化恶变有一定的作用。Abstract: To study the relationship between the change of transforming growth factor alpha (TGFα) level and liver function damage in different type of liver diseases By the method of RIA to detect the serum TGFα level, and auto biochemistry instrument to detect the serum liver function indexes∶ALT、AST、A/G、γ-GT、 AFP etc∶172 patients, serum TGFα level (x±s) had been detected, TGFα level of acute hepatitis was (14 19±7 30) pg/ml, chronic hepatitis (11 28±6 84) pg/ml, of compensation phase of liver cirrhosis (ccir) (8 14±5 55) pg/ml, of decompensation phase of liver cirrhosis (dcir) (16 02±9 18) pg/ml, and of hepatocellular carcinoma (19 89±9 09) pg/ml Except for ccir, each type of liver diseases was obviously higher than that of control group (6 86±0 89) pg/ml, (P<0 05) The TGFα of dcir was obviously higher than that of ccir (P<0 05) Serum TGFα was positively correlated with serum level of ALT, AST, γ GT and AFP (P<0 05) [WT5”BZ]Conclusion:[WT5”BZ]TGFα may associate with the chronic progress of liver diseases;the increaseing TGFα level may provide useful information for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma It is useful to detect TGFα level in helping the diagnosis and determining prognosis of liver diseases
Key words:
- Transforming growth factor-alpha /
- Detection /
- Liver diseases
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