Analysis of causes of nonA-E acute hepatitis in sera
摘要: 探讨血清学非甲 -戊型急性肝炎的病因。采用免疫组织化学和原位杂交技术对 6 5例血清学非甲 -戊型急性肝炎患者的肝组织 ,分别进行乙、庚、丙型肝炎病毒抗原和TT病毒核酸 (TTVDNA)检测。 6 5例肝组织中乙、庚、丙型肝炎病毒抗原及TTVDNA的检出例次分别为 34、32、18和 2 0 ,前两者检出率明显为高 ,差异显著(P <0 0 5 ) ,仍有 10 8%病因不明。在单纯急性乙、庚型肝炎病毒、TT病毒感染及非A -G、TTV感染中 ,部分肝功能组间比较无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。隐匿性的HBV ,庚型肝炎病毒感染是血清学证实为急性非甲 -戊型肝炎的主要病因。部分病例病因分型仍不明确 ,提示有另外的致病因子存在。Abstract: To investigate the etiology of nonA-E acute hepatitis in sera.65 liver tissues of patients with nonA-E acute hepatitis in serum were detected for hepatitis B, C, G, virus antigen and TTV DNA by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or in situ hybridization (ISH) , respectively.Of the 65 liver tissues, hepatitis B、C、G virus antigen and TTV DNA were detected in 34, 18, 32 and 20, respectively.Hepatitis B and G virus antigen were detected signifcantly more than hepatitis C virus antigen or TTV DNA (P<0.01or 0.05) .Difference of partial liver function, among acute simple B, G, TT and nonA-T viral hepatitis serohistologically decided, did not achieve statistical significance (P>0.05) .There were 7 cases (10.8%) with unknown etiology. Silent HBV, and HGV infection were the main cause of non A-E acute hepatitis. The pathogenisis of a proportion of the cases remain unexplained, supporting the hypothesis of the existance of an additional agent.
Key words:
- nonA-E hepatitis /
- acute hepatitis /
- etiology /
- immunohistochemistry /
- in situ hybridization
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