HCV Genotype, Serum HCV RNA Load, Liver Lesion and Efficacy of α-Interferon on Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
摘要: 观察丙型肝炎基因型、病毒量及肝损程度对α干扰素治疗慢性丙型肝炎应答率的影响。对 41例慢性丙型肝炎用α干扰素 3MIU每天肌注一次 ,二周后改为隔日肌注一次 ,共 2 1周。治疗前用INNO -LIPA法作丙肝基因分型 ,并在治疗前、后每 2月及停药 6月时用PCR法检测HCVRNA含量和定性、每月检测肝功能。按国际标准判断干扰素的治疗末应答 (ETR)和持续应答 (SR)。结果显示 1b型HCVRNA的治疗末应答率占 82 8% (2 4/2 9) ;持续应答率占 78 9% (15 / 19)。ALT的应答率分别是 78 3 % (18/ 2 3)和 76 5 % (13/ 17)。HCVRNA含量显示≤ 5× 10 5copies/ml的持续应答率高于 >5× 10 5copies/ml,二组P <0 0 1。治疗前ALT活力高低与干扰素治疗后ALT的应答率影响不大。预测干扰素疗效的关键是治疗前HCVRNA在血清中的水平。Abstract: To observe the relationship between the genotype of HCV, Serum HCV RNA Load, ALT and efficacy of α-interferon on patients with chronic hepatitis C.3MIU of α-interferon was injected intramuscularly every day for 2 weeks at the beginning, then every otherday for 21 weeks in 41 patients with chronic hepatitis C.All patients were tested HCV genotype by INNO-LIPA before therapy.The quantitated and qualitited HCV RNA were measured by PCR before and after therapy every 2 months and 6 months.after treatment.Serum level of ALT and white blood cell were monitored every month after therapy.The rusults showned that 82.8% (24/29) HCV genotype 1b was the end of treatment response (ETR) , 78.9% (15/19) was the sustained response (SR) for HCV RNA.ALT of response was 78.3% (18/23) and 76.5% (13/17) , respectively, in HCV genotype 1b.The rate of sustained response of HC VRNA was higher in lower titier group (≤5×10 5copies/ml) than in high titer group[ (>5×10 5 copies/ml) , P<0.01].The response of ALT not ralated to the ALT level before therapy. (P>0.05) .The study show that serum HCV RNA load before therapy is important to predict the efficacy of α-interferon
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