Study on the relatiion between chronic Hepatitis B 2', 5'—oligoadenylate Synthetase Activity and Interferon Treatment
摘要: 探讨慢性乙型病毒性肝炎患者血液中单个核细胞的 2 ’,5 ’—寡腺苷酸合成酶 (2 ’,5 ’-OAS)活性与干扰素疗效的关系 ,为临床预测干扰素疗效 ,避免盲目使用干扰素提供依据。将 17例HBeAg、HBV -DNA双阳性的慢乙肝患者干扰素治前、治疗一周及治疗三月后进行 2 ’,5 ’-OAS检测。结果示 11例治前 2 ’,5 ’-OAS活性较低 ,治疗一周有明显升高。其中 8例HBeAg、HBV -DNA双项转阴。 3例HBeAg单项转阴。其余 6例治疗前 2 ’,5 ’-OAS活性较高 ,治后 1周升高幅度不大 ,双项均无转阴。提示 2 ’,5 ’-OAS的水平可能是临床预测干扰素疗效的指标之一。
- 慢性乙型肝炎 /
- 2’,5’—寡腺苷酸合成酶 /
- 干扰素
Abstract: To investigate the relationship between 2', 5'-Oligoadenylate synthetase (2', 5'-OAS) activity in PBMC and interferon therapeutic efficacy in patients with chronic hepatitis B and so provide scientific basis for avoiding blindly useing interferon treatment in clinical therapy. 17 patients with chronic hepatitis B, both positives of HBeAg, HBV-DNA received interferon treatment first for a week and then 3 months to evaluate 2', 5'-OAS to the therapy. Among all the patients, 11 cases which were low in 2', 5'-OAS activities increased significantly after a week's treatment, (8 cases both positives of HBeAg, HBV-DNA returned negative; 3 cases only HBeAg returned negative) . There was no significant difference with the rest 6 cases a little high in 2', 5'-OAS before treatment and neither returned negative after treatment. So level of 2', 5'-OAS may be a useful marker to monitor interferon treatment efficacy during treatment to predict the clinical response.-
Key words:
- Chronic Hepatitis B /
- 2&apos /
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