Diagnosis of Autoimmune Hepatitis: Case Report and Review
摘要: 为加强对自身免疫性肝炎的认识 ,报道一例除外其它肝损害病因 ,经血清生化学 (肝功能、免疫球蛋白 ,等 )、自身抗体和肝组织病理学证实的儿童自身免疫性肝炎。不明原因的肝脏损害 ,自身免疫性肝炎应作为鉴别诊断之一。及时检测血清生化学、自身抗体、肝组织病理并除外其它肝损害病因将有助于诊断。Abstract: To enhance the understanding of autoimmune hepatitis, a 13-year old girl with autoimmune hepatitis was reported here. The diagnosis was confirmed by abnormal parameters of serum biochemistry (elevated aminotransferases, high titers of autoantibodies and immunoglobulins) and liver histology, excluding all other possible etiology factors. Whenever the liver functions were abnormal with unknown etiology, it is important that autoimmune hepatitis should be considered as one of the differential diagnosis. A brief review of the literature about clinical manifestations and diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis was made.
Key words:
- Autoimmune hepatitis /
- Liver-kidney microsomal antibody 1
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