Clinical significance of serumthyroxine determination in patients with liver cirrhosis
摘要: 探讨肝硬化患者游离甲状腺原氨酸 (FT3) ,游离甲状腺素 (FT4 )变化及其与临床、实验室检查及肝功能的关系。用放射免疫法测定 2 73例不同程度肝硬化患者FT3、FT4 、TSH水平。随着肝硬化程度加重 ,FT3 及FT4呈下降趋势 ,FT3、FT4 浓度与腹水、血浆白蛋白浓度及肝功能程度密切相关。FT3、FT4 浓度对估计肝硬化严重程度及预后具有实用价值 ,肝硬化低FT3、低FT4 血症可试用甲状腺素治疗。Abstract: The relevant study between serum freetriiodothyronine (FT 3) . Free-thyroxine (FT 4) and clinical manifestation, Laboratory, liver functions in patients with different degree of liver cirrhosis. The concentration of serum FT 3 and FT 4 were determined by radioimmunoassay in 273 patients with different degree of liver cirrhosis. The result showed that the serum FT 3 and FT 4 decreased gradually as the degree of clinical liver cirrhosis deteriorated. There was a significant relation between FT 3. FT 4 and ascites, serum album, liver functions. Measuring the concentration of FT 3. FT 4 has utilizable and reliable clinical value in predicting the degree and prognosis of liver cirrhosis. The liver cirrhosis with low-FT 3 syndrome or low-FT 4 syndrome may try to be treated with thyroxine.
Key words:
- Liver cirrhosis /
- Free-triiodothyronine /
- Free-thyroxine /
- Liver function
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