To study the influence of the Three Intervention Therapies (i.e. TAE, PVE and PEI) on the five hepatofibrosis indexes of middle and advanced hepatocellular carcimona.60 cases of the middle and advanced hepatocellular carcimona (massive type or nodular type) are randomly divided into 30 case of treatment (group A) treated with comprehensive intervention therapy, (the other 30) control group cases (group B) treated with pure TAE and are compared with 25 normal cases before therapy, with 30 to 45 days as a period and dynamically observe the five hepatofibrosis index levels of serum HA, LN, PCⅢ, IVC, TGFβ 1 before and after therapy every period.Before therapy, every index of groups A & B is apparently higher than that in the normal control group (P<0.01) ; a comparison between before-therapy and after-therapy shows that in the 1st period apparent elevation of HA occurs in group B only (P <0.05) , in the 2nd period every index of both groups apparently evelates (for HA, PCⅢ and TGFβ 1, P<0.01, for LN and IVC, P<0.05) ; By comparison, every index between group A and B after therapy has no significant difference (P>0.05) . The variation of the five hepatofibrosis of serum is related with TAE period of treatment, while it makes no difference between the jointing with PVE and PEI and not.