To Study Transfusion transmttted Virus (TTV) Co-in5ection in Other Hepatttis and The Genotypes
摘要: 研究TTV与其它肝炎病混合感染对肝脏病变的影响及本地区TTVDNA的基因型。选TTVORF1的保守序列作内外引物 ,采用微板核酸杂交 -ELISA方法检测患者血清TTVDNA并对检测结果和临床资料进行统计学分析。选取异源性大于 5 0 %的序列作显色探针Ⅰ和显色探针Ⅱ ,进行分型研究。学生、非甲 -非戊型肝炎、慢性乙型肝炎和肝硬化患者血清TTV阳性率分别为 3 3 %、14 3%、12 %、16 %。TTV阳性和TTV阴性的慢性乙型肝炎及肝硬化患者 ,在年龄、性别、ALT和TBil之间无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。本地区流行的TTV可分为两个主要的基因型 ,即Ⅰ型 (6 6 7% )、Ⅱ型 (2 5 % ) ,部分存在混合感染 (8 3% )。TTV可能与HBV、HCV有类似的传播途径 ,故常重叠感染。TTV与乙型肝炎及肝硬化混合感染后不影响两者的肝脏病变。TTV不是本地区非甲 -非戊型肝炎的主要病因
- 输血传播病毒(TTV) /
- 混合感染 /
- 基因分型 /
- 微板核酸杂交-ELISA
Abstract: The aim of this study was to find out the influence of transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) co infection in other virus infected patients and the native genotypes TTV DNA was measured in students and other hepatitis patients using sandwich hybridization on microplate and primers come from a conservative region of ORF1 in the TTV genome The results and clinical data were statistically analyzed The nucleotide sequence divergence of >50% were used as detector probe for distinguishing TTV genotypes 1 or 2 TTV DNA was detected in the sera from 2 of 60 (3 3%) students, 2 of 14 (14 3%) patients with non A non E hepatitis, 6 of 50 (12%) patients with chronic hepatitis B and 4 of 25 (16%) patients with liver cirrhosis, respectively There was a statistical difference between the patients group and the students group (P< 0 05 ) There were no differences in age, gender, serum ALT levels and TBil between TTV DNA positive patients and negative patients (P> 0 05 ) Type 1 was by far the most frequent viral genotype (66 7%) , followed by type 2 (25%) and mixed infection with TTV of distinct genotypes (8 3%) These results suggest that the routes of TTV infection may be similar to HBV, HCV and concurrent infection with HBV, HCV are common, TTV co infection could not affect the clinical features of patients with liver diseases and the pathological process TTV is not a main causative agent of patients with non A non E hepatitis in the area Although TTV may be an infectious agent related to nonA nonE severe liver diseases, further study is needed to clarify the role of TTV in patients with non A non E hepatitis -
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