Clinical Observation of Treating Patient With Chronic Hepatitis B Using Lamivudine Combined With Marine Injection
摘要: 为探讨拉米夫定与博尔泰力联用对慢性乙型肝炎的临床治疗价值 ,将 6 0例慢性乙肝患者随机分为两组 ,一组接受拉米夫定和博尔泰力联合治疗 (LM组 )。另一组单纯接受拉米夫定治疗 (L组 ) ,结果两组HBVDNA阴转率分别为 93 75 %和 89 2 9% ,差异无显著性意义。但LM组HBeAg阴转率和ALT复常率均显著高于L组(5 0 %对 17 85 % ,P <0 0 1和 81 2 5 %对 5 0 % ,P <0 0 5 ) ,两组不良反应发生率相近。拉米夫定联合博尔泰力治疗慢性乙型肝炎可有效地提高HBeAg阴转率和ALT复常率 ,且有希望缩短拉米夫定在慢性乙型肝炎治疗中的疗程Abstract: To evaluate the effect of the treatment of chronic hepatits B with lamivudine combined with marine injection.60 patients with chronic hepatitis B as defined by positive HBeAg and HBVDNA and elevated ALT were enrolled and randomized into lamivudine combined with marine injection (LM) group and lamivudine (L) group.32 patients received lamivadine 100mg daily and marine injection 400mg im daily, and 28 paitents only received lamivudine 100mg daily.The efficacy and safty were evaluated with clinical, biochemical, and virological parameters.After 3 months treatment, HBV-DNA response (serum HBV-DNA negative) rate was no difference between LM group and L group: (93.75% vs 89.29%, P>0 05) .However, HBeAg negative rate was higher in LM group than L group: (50% vs 17.85%, P<0 01) , ALT normalization rate in LM goup was higher than in L group (81.25% vs 50.0%, P<0 05) .So we came to the conclussion that lamivudine combined with marine injection can effectively enhance HBeAg negative rate and ALT normalization rate, then the treatment course of lamivudine in chronic hepatits B would be shortened.
Key words:
- Hepatitis B /
- Hepatiis B Virus /
- Lamivudine /
- Marine Injection.
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