The study of the effection on the patients suffered form hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by the hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection
摘要: 探讨庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV)感染在原发性肝细胞癌 (HCC)发生中的作用。采用RT -PCR法及ELISA法对实验组 (77例HCC患者 ) ,对照 1组 (5 6例健康体检者 )及对照 2组 (38例慢肝肝硬化病人 )分别进行HGVRNA、抗 -HGV和抗 -HCV测定。对随机抽取的实验组 5 8例 ,对照 1组 38例和对照 2组 30例的HGVRNA检测 ,分别查到阳性 3例、2例和 2例。三组间P值均 >0 0 5 ,无显著性差异。三组抗 -HGV检出率分别为 2 5 9%(2 0 / 77) ,7 2 % (4/ 5 6 )和 8 3 % (3/ 36 ) ,实验组与对照 1组P <0 0 1,实验组与对照 2组间P <0 0 5。三组间抗 -HCV检出率分别为 18 1% (14/ 77) ,1 7% (1/ 5 6 )和 2 8% (1/ 36 ) ,2 7例抗 -HGV阳性者中抗 -HCV阳性 12例 ,重叠率 44 4% ,16例抗 -HCV阳性中 11例抗 -HGV阳性 ,重叠率 6 8 7%。结论HGVRNA感染对HCC的发生未见明显...
- 庚型肝炎病毒(HGV) /
- 原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)
Abstract: To study the effection on the patients suffered from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by the hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection, Serum HGVRNA (NS3) , anti-HGV and anti-HCV were detected by RT-PCR or ELISA in experiment group (77patients with HCC) , control group1 (56 persons with health checking annual) and control group2 (38 patients with liver cirrhosis after hepatitis ) . The Positive rate of HGVRNA was 5 2% (3/58) in experiment group, 5 3% (2/38) in control group1 and 6 7% (2/30) in control group2. P>0 05. The positive rate of anti-HGV and anti-HCV in three groupswere 25 9% (20/77) , 7 2% (4/56) and 8 3% (3/36) , P<0 01;18.1% (14/77) , 1.7% (1/56) and 2.8% (1/36) , P<0.01. The anti-HCV was detected in 12 of 27 patients with anti-HGV positive, the co-positive rate was 44.4%; while the anti-HGV was detected in 11 of 16 patients with anti-HCV positive, the co-positive rate was 68.7%. No effection have been found on the HCC by HGV infection. Anti-HCV may disturb the anti-HGV when the later is being detected by ELISA.-
Key words:
- Hepatitis G virus /
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
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