Study on inducing apoptosis and differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells
摘要: 本文把肝癌细胞 (SMMC - 772 1)作为靶细胞采用TRAP银染法、Westernblot法、电镜等方法 ,分别检测对肝癌细胞的全反式维甲酸 (ATRA)的诱导凋亡及奥曲肽的诱导分化作用。ATRA在TRAP银染中未见梯状条带 ,然而在Westernblot分别于 32KD、2 0KD处显示较强的Caspase - 3的表达。提示 ,ATRA有较强的诱导凋亡的作用。在奥曲肽的刺激下可见肝细胞核浓缩、微绒毛减少、线粒体空泡化等变化 ,而且促进Caspase - 3的表达并使其激活 ,从而诱导肝癌细胞的分化及凋亡。结果显示 ,上述两种制剂分别对肝癌细胞具有较强的诱导分化及促进凋亡的作用Abstract: The effect of inducing apoptosis and differentiation of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells was studied with TRAP assay, Western blot assay and electron microscope. TRAP assay shows no ladder in ATRA group. While there are signs of expression of Caspase-3 and its subunit in the location of 32kD and 20kD seperetedly. It shows that ATRA can induce apoptosis. In Octreotide group, after 5 days of cultivation with Octreotide, there are condention of nuclear, reduction of microvillus, vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria, expression and activation of Caspase-3, and so on. Above all, the study suggests that ATRA and Octreotide have the effect of inducing indifferention and apoptosis seperatedly.
Key words:
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells /
- Inducing differentiation /
- Apoptosis /
- Caspase-3
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