The plasma level of nitric oxide and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in human hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 探讨一氧化氮 (Nitricoxide,NO)及诱导型一氧化氮合酶 (induciblenitricoxidesynthase ,iNOS)与原发性肝癌 (HCC)间的关系 ,用Griess反应测定 16 2例患者的血浆亚硝酸盐 /硝酸盐 (NO-2 /NO-3 )水平 ,其中HCC82例 ,非HCC80例 ,健康对照 36名。用免疫组化法检查组织中iNOS的含量 ,取正常肝脏组织 2 0例作对照 ,慢性肝炎 (CH)和肝硬化 (LC)的肝脏组织各 40例 ,HCC组织 48例。结果显示 ,正常人血浆NO-2 /NO-3 含量为 16 .8±4.9μmol/L,有HCC的CH(6 3 .4± 18.2 μmol)和LC(42 .2± 11.5 μmol/L)明显高于非HCC的患者 (CH :2 8.5±8.7μmol/L;LC :2 4.7± 6 .2 μmol/L .P <0 .0 1) ,患CH的HCC患者血浆NO-2 /NO-3 水平明显高于LC基础上的HCC患者 (P <0 .0 5 )。正常肝组织iNOS阴性 ,LC有 2 5例 (6 2 .5 % )阳性 ,CH...Abstract: To study the relationship between nitric oxide (NO) ?inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Plsama NO 2 -/NO 3 - was measured by Griess reaction in 162 patients with chronic hepatitis (CH) and compensated liver cirrhosis (LC) , among which 82 patients were attacked by HCC and 80 patients were not.36 healthy persons served as normal controls (NC) .The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in HCC (n=40) , CH (n=30) and LC (n=30) samples obtained from liver biopsy or operation was compared with that in normal liver tissues by using immunohistochemistry.20 normal liver tissue samples obtained from liver operation served as normal controls.Plasma NO 2 -/NO 3 - level in normal was 16.8±4.9μmol/L.The plasma level of NO 2 -/NO 3 - in CH (63.4±18.2μmol/L) and LC (42.2±11.5μmol/L) accompanied with HCC was notably higher than in patients without HCC (CH:28.5±8.7μmol/L;LC:24.7±6.2μmol/L. P <0.01) .Plasma NO 2 -/NO 3 - level in HCC accompanied with CH was significantly higher than in HCC accompanied with LC ( P <0.05) .iNOS was not expressed in normal liver tissues.Positive rate of iNOS in HCC, CH and LC was 95% (46/48) , 90% (36/40) and 62.5% (25/40) respectively.The expression level of iNOS in HCC and CH was much higher than in LC.Plasma level of NO 2 -/NO 3 - was significantly increased in patients with HCC.This suggested that NO may participate in the carcinogenesis and progression of HCC.
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