Detection of HBV-DNA different exsiting forins in PBMC in patients with chronic hepatitis B and its clinical significance.
摘要: 用限制性长度多态性分析法 (RestrictionFragmentlengthPloymorphism ,RFLP)加半定量的SouthernFragmentlengthPloymorphism ,RFLP)加半定量的SouthernBlot法测定 40例慢乙肝患者外周血单个核细胞中HBV -DNA的不同存在状态 :游离型和 /或整合型 ,并同时测定其血清Ig、C3、C4 、NK细胞活性、TNF(肿瘤坏死因子 )、CD4 + /CD8+ 。结果显示 :40例中阳性 35例 (2 2例为整合型 ,10例为混合型 ,3例为游离型 ) ;整合型较混合型(包括游离型 )其IgG、IgM、C3、NK细胞活性、TNF、CD4 + /CD8+ 明显降低 ,存在显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。提示 :HBV感染PBMC后可影响机体的免疫应答Abstract: This Study investigate different exsiting forms (free and/or integration) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) for 40 CHB patients by methods of Restriction Fragment length phoymorphism (RFLP) and Semiquantitation of Southern Blot. By this means, we observed Patients' immune function:Ig?C 3?C 4?TNF?NKcells activity?CD 4 +/CD 8 +. The results showed that 22 of these had integration, 10 were mixture and 3 were free. Those intergration showed IgG?IgM?C 3?NK cells activity?TNF?CD 4 +/CD 8 + decreased significantly, there were signifi-cant difference between integration and mixture ( P <0.01) . The present study indicates that HBV effected bodies' immune response after PBMC were infected.
Key words:
- chronic hepatitis B /
- PBMC /
- Immune function
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