Effects of anti-helicobacter pylori Therapy on the ammonia in patients with liver cirrhyosis
摘要: 为进一步阐明合并Hp感染的肝硬化患者 ,抗Hp治疗对血氨浓度影响的意义 ,对 6 3例此类患者随机分组对照研究。治疗组采用联合口服奥美拉唑、克拉霉素、灭滴灵 ;并以单纯服用奥美拉唑为对照。治疗组及对照组 ,用药前、二周后及四周后 ,分别行自身及组间对比。结果显示 ,治疗组血氨浓度低于对照组 ,差异显著 (P <0 .0 1) ;而且发现单用奥美拉唑组前后自身对比 ,血氨浓度明显升高 (P <0 .0 1)。根治Hp对降低血氨 ,避免诱发肝性脑病至关重要。强抑酸剂使胃内较长时间 pH >6 ,可使Hp尿素酶所产氨大量弥散入血 ,致血氨升高。提示临床上应充分重视对合并Hp感染的肝硬化患者的抗Hp治疗 ,并应警惕此类患者长期单纯使用强抑酸剂有致血氨升高之虞。Abstract: To investigate the significance of anti helicobacter pylori (Hp) therapy to the patients of cirrhosis company with Hp infection, sixty three cases of patients were divided into two growps randomly, control group (CG) and treated group (TG) .The patients in TG were treated with oral omeprazole, Clanithromycin and Motronidazole by oral administration, while Oral omeprazole was only given to the patients in CG.Before and after treatment of two and four weeks, the data in both groups were analysed.Results:compared with CG, the concentration of ammonia in the patients of TG was decreased significantly (P<0.01) ;but it was increased significantly in CG after treatment (P<0.01) .The Anti Hp therapy is very important to decrease the serum ammonia and prevent the development of hepatlc encephalopathy.Strong antiacid could keep the pH in the stomach more than 6 for a long time, that the ammonia produced by urea enzyme will diffuse much into the blood and the serum ammonia will be increasing.It is suggested that the anti Hp therapy clinically is very important for the patients of cirrhosis company with Hp infection and we should pay much attention to that the ammonia will be increasing if the strong antacid are only used to the patients for a long time.
Key words:
- Helicobacter pylori /
- Ammonia /
- Treatment /
- Cirrhosis
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