The study on relationship between CD15, CD44v6, CD54 and invasion or metastasis of human hepatocellular carcioma
摘要: 探讨粘附因子CD15、CD44v6和CD5 4(ICAM— 1)在肝细胞癌中的表达及临床意义。利用免疫组织化学染色对 5 1例肝癌手术切除石蜡包埋标本进行CD15、CD44V6、CD5 4的检测。并结合临床病理指标 (Edmondson分级、侵袭转移倾向 )进行分析。CD15、CD44v6和CD5 4在侵袭转移倾向高危组中分别为 40 %、45 %、5 5 % ,在低危组中分别为 13%、19%、19% ;CD15、CD44v6和CD5 4在HCCⅡ级中分别为 10 %、2 0 %、2 0 % ,在Ⅳ级中分别 30 %、5 0 %、5 0 %。结论 :CD15、CD44v6和CD5 4的异常表达与HCC分期和侵袭转移有关 ;利用CD15、CD44v6和CD5 4等预测肝癌的复发转移有可能是一种新的途径Abstract: To investigate the expressions of CD15, CD44v6 and CD54 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and their clinical significance, and to evaluate the relationship between their expressions and the invasion and metastasis of HCC, Surgi samples from 51 cases of HCC and their peritumorous tissues were detected by immunohistochemical technique In high potential of invasion and mestastasis group, the abnormal expressions of CD15?CD44v6 and CD54 were 40%, 45% and 55%, but, in low potential group, were 13%, 10% and 19%, respectively The expressions of CD15?CD44v6 and CD54 were significantly correlated with degree of differentiation of HCC The positive rates in Edmondson's HCC Ⅳ grade were higher than in Ⅱ grade The abnormal expressions of CD15?CD44v6 and CD54 were correlated with Edmondson's grade and the invasion and metastasis of HCC Detecting CD15?CD44v6 and CD54 may be a useful diagnostic parameter for the invasion and metastasis in HCC
Key words:
- adhesion molecular /
- hepatocellular carcinoma /
- invasion
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