Sonographic differentiating the diffuse liver cancer from portal cirrhosis
摘要: 探讨利用超声鉴别弥漫型肝癌和门脉性肝硬化的价值。对照分析 15例弥漫型肝癌和 30例门脉性肝硬化的肝内外声像表现。弥漫型肝癌时肝脏常增大 ,肝内结节回声较明显 ;门脉性肝硬化时肝脏常缩小 ,肝内纤维增生回声较明显。弥漫型肝癌时门静脉栓塞、肝门部淋巴结肿大的发生率较高 ;门脉性肝硬化时脾脏增大、腹水的发生率较高且程度较重 ,胆囊水肿的发生率较高。观察弥漫型肝癌和门脉性肝硬化的肝内外声像特点对二者鉴别很有价值。Abstract: For researching differentia of the diffuse liver cancer from portal cirrhosis with ultrasound, the sonograhpic images of 15 patients with diffuse liver cancer and 30 patients with portal cirrhosis (were comparely analysed) In the patients with diffuse liver cancer, the liver enlarge uauslly and the echo of nodule is more obvious, the rate of portal embolism and swelling of lymph nodes in hepatic porta is higher In the patients with portal cirrhosis, the liver contract usually and the echo of proliferation of fiber is obvious, the rate of spleen enlargement and sacites is higher and the degree is more serious, and the rate of gallbladder edematous is higher It is valuable for differentiating the diffuse liver cancer from portal cirrhosis to observe sonographic characteristic of inside and outsider of liver
Key words:
- Diffuse liver cancer /
- Portal cirrhosis /
- Ultrasound /
- Indentification diagnosis
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