Contrastive detection and clinic analysis to HBV serum symbols、HBV-DNA and HBV preS1-Ag of 100 patients
摘要: 探讨临床监测HBVpreS1-Ag对乙肝患者诊断和预后的意义。对 10 0例乙型病毒性肝炎患者HBV血清标志物、HBV -DNA及preS1-Ag进行定量、定性跟踪监测并加以临床分析。 10 0例患者中HBsAg阳性者 91例 ,preS1-Ag阳性者 5 7例 ,HBeAg阳性者 4 3例 ,HBV -DNA阳性者 5 6例 ,preS1-Ag阳性率与HBV -DNA相似且略高于HBeAg。preS1-Ag比HBeAg更为精确地反映了HBV在人体内感染和复制的情况 ,动态监测 preS1-Ag的变化有助于临床评估急慢性肝炎的治疗效果及预后
- 血清乙肝病毒标志物 /
- 血清乙型肝炎病毒前S1抗原 /
- 对比监测 /
- 临床分析
Abstract: To study the clinical significance of detecting HBV preS 1-Ag on diagnosis and prognosis in HB patients. Make continuously quantity and quality detection and clinic analysis to 100 HB patients selected randomly In 100 HB patients, HBsAg, preS 1-Ag, HBeAg and HBV-DNA the positive patients were 91, 57, 43 and 56, respectively. The positive rate of preS 1-Ag was similar to that of HBV-DNA but a little higher than that of HBeAg. Compared with HBsAg preS 1-Ag can reflect the situation of inflection and reproduction of HBV in vivo more accurately. and clinical dynamic observation to preS 1-Ag will be useful for clinical evaluation to the effect and prognosis of acute and chronic hepatitis.-
Key words:
- Serum HBV symbols /
- preS 1-Ag /
- Contrastive detection /
- Clinic analysis
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