Study on HBcAg expression in multi-organ tissues of dead fetus puerperal deherated with hepatitis virus B.
摘要: 观察乙型肝炎病毒通过母婴传播在胎儿多脏器组织中表达情况。采集 4 0例乙型肝炎产妇产下的死胎 ,常规尸检 ,取大脑、胸腺、心脏、肺、肝、脾、肾脏、脐带、胎盘组织 ,SP法检测HBcAg ;回访婴母产前静脉血HBV的检测结果。死胎多脏器组织中HBcAg阳性率以肺、肝、肾脏、脐带为最高 ,胸腺、心脏、脾、胎盘次之 ,大脑最低 (P<0 0 5 )。HBV呈单项阳性、小三阳、大三阳的婴母分娩的死胎同一脏器 (除胸腺外 )组织中HBcAg阳性率比较 ,差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。HBcAg阳性颗粒在死胎的大脑、胸腺、心脏、肺、肝、脾、肾脏、脐带、胎盘组织中呈点、灶状分布 ,脏器实质细胞核不着色。HBV对胎儿组织的嗜好与胎儿脏器种类有关 ;死胎同一脏器组织 (除胸腺外 )中HBcAg阳性率与孕妇HBV静脉中HBV标志无关 ;死胎多脏器组织中可能存在HBV复制。Abstract: Study the HBcAg expression in the tissues of cerebrum, thymus, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, umbilicord and placenta of dead fetus infected by HBV by maternal-fetal transmission. Tissues of 40 cases were detected for HBcAg by immunocytochemistry (SP) . Detection of HBV in mother veins before deheraty were also olone. The result showed that there were HBsAg in the tissues, the were mainly found in the tissue cells and the vessels. The positive cells were in single or clusters forms and distributed in the tissue vessels and the plasma of tissue cells. For the positive rate of HBcAg in the tissues were highest in lungs, liver, kidney, umbilicord, then lower in the spleen, the placenta and the last was the cerebrum ( P <0 05) . It was correlated with the type of the organ tissues that HBV has an affinity to these tissues. HBV in the same tissues (but except thymus) was not correlated with the HBVM in the pregnant womem veins. HBV maybe copied in the kidney tissue.
Key words:
- Dead Fetus /
- Tissue /
- HBcAg /
- Maternal-Fetal Transmission
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