For knowing the state and characteristics of acute viral hepatitis of late years in children of Beijing district, We investigated the aetiologic serology in 3300 children with acute vral hepatitis admitted to Beijing children's Hospital from March, 1993 to March, 1997. The results showed that acute hepatitis A, B, D and E was 3078, 152, 4 and 20 in 3300 cases respectively, the proportion was 93 3%, 4 6%, 0 1% and 0 6% correspondingly; there was not any aucte hepatitis C; there was no positive result in 100 cases detected for the serology of hepatitis C; there was no positive result in 100 cases detected for the serology of hepatitis G virus; the unkown aetiology was 46 cases that was 1 4% out of all cases. The double infection was 187 and the multiple infection was 4 among children, both were 5 8% in acute hepatitis. The superinfection of hepatitis A and B was 171 cases, the incidence was 91 4% in the whole superinfection.