Clinical study of Lamivudine treatment in patients with decompensated cirrhosis
摘要: 为观察拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎所致失代偿期肝硬化的疗效对 9例失代偿肝硬化患者应用拉米夫定的治疗结果进行总结。 9例患者 ,HBsAg、HBV -DNA均阳性 ,其中 6例Child -Pugh分级为B级 ,3例为C级。口服用拉米夫定每日 10 0mg ,疗程半年。 8例患者拉米夫定治疗后血清HBV -DNA均转为阴性 ,肝功能保持持续稳定 ,Child -Pugh分级下降≥ 2。 1例患者死亡。拉米夫定通过有效抑制HBV -DNA复制 ,而改善失代偿肝硬化的肝功能。Abstract: Lamivudine is a nucleoside analogue and is highly effective in suppressing hepatitis B viral replication.The potential for recovery of hepatic decompensation in patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis treated with lamivudine has seldom been reported.9 patients with decompensated cirrhosis were treated with lamivudine 100mg once daily for at least 6 months and their HBsAg and HBV DNA were all positive.6 of 9 patients had Child-Pugh class B and 3 of 9 patients had Child-Pugh class C liver disease.All patients remained a stable liver funcion and their HBV-DNA converted to negative, their child-Pugh score decreased≥2 except 1 patient died.Lamivudine can improve the liver function and reduce Child-pugh score of decompensated cirrhosis by inhibiting the replication of HBV DNA.
Key words:
- lamivudine /
- chronic hepatitis B /
- decompensated cirrhosis
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