The effect of compound 861 on MMP2mRNA expression in liver fibrosis induced by bile Duct occlusion in rats
摘要: 观察胆管阻塞性大鼠肝纤维化模型肝组织MMP2mRNA表达以及复方 86 1的抑制作用。给雌性Wis tar大鼠进行胆管内逆行性注入粘合剂加胆管结扎导致胆管阻塞 ,制备胆管阻塞性肝纤维化模型。于术后 7天开始给予不同剂量的复方 86 1灌胃 ,共 4 9天。以RT -PCR法观察肝组织MMP2mRNA表达水平。胆管阻塞性大鼠肝纤维化模型组 (造模 5 6天 )MMP2mRNA为 0 6 33± 0 35 ,明显高于正常对照组 (0 0 2 5± 0 0 18,P <0 0 1) ;复方86 13g/kg、6g/kg、9g/kg组的MMP2mRNA分别为 0 10 7± 0 0 70、0 2 4 8± 0 0 192、0 2 2 2± 0 10 6 ,明显低于模型对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。复方 86 1能够抑制胆管阻塞性大鼠肝纤维化模型肝组织MMP2mRNA表达增高 ,可能是其抗肝纤维化作用的机理之一。Abstract: To study the effect of Cpd 861 on MMP2mRNA expression in liver fibrosis induced by bile duct occlusion in rats. The bile ducts of female Wistar rats were completely occluded by retrograde injection of Histoacryl and ligation.Groups of the rats were treated with Cpd 861 3g/kg?6g/kg?9g/kg after operation of seven days.The rats were sacrificed and MMP2mRNA were detected by semi-quantitative RT-PCR at 49 days after treatment.MMP2mRNA levels of model group (0 633±0 350) was highter than that of control group (0 025±0 018) , P <0 01.Treartment groups of Cpd 861 were lower (0 107±0 070?0 248±0 0192?0 222±0 106) than that of model group ( P <0 05) . MMP2mRNA levels are remarkably increased in fibrotic bile duct occlusion madel group.The antifibrotic mechanism of Cpd 861 was partly due to its down-regulation on MMP2mRNA levels.
Key words:
- bile duct occlusion /
- liver fibrosis /
- MMP2mRNA /
- Cpd861
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