To explore the mechanism of liver palms and spider angioma (orcapillarectasia) initially. The concentrations of serum AngiotensinⅠ (ATⅠ) , AngiotensinⅡ (ATⅡ) , Aldosterone (ALD) , Endo thelin (ET) , Glucagon (GLUCA) , Nitric Oxide (NO) in 64 patients with liver cirrhosis who presented liver palms and / or spider angioma and 44 patients with the same disease who didn't present liver palms or spider angioma were measured. The presence rates of liver palms in male and female patients were 47 6% and 20 8% respectively ( P <0 05, x 2 =4 463) . The presence rates of spider angioma (or capillarectasia) in male and female patients were 34 5% and 29 2% respectively ( P >0 05, x 2 =0 060) . The presence rate of liver palms and / or spider angioma in patients with grade C of liver function was higher than the rates in patients with grade A and B, but the differences of the rates were not significant (the values of x 2 were 0 977 and 1 015 respectively, P >0 05) . The differences between the levels of serum ATⅠ, ATⅡ, ALD, ET, GLUCA, NO in patients with liver palms and / or spider angioma and patients without liver palms or spider angioma were all not significant. Presence of liver palms and spider angioma has no relationship with serum levels of ATⅠ, ATⅡ, ALD, ET, GLUCA, NO. The mechanism should be studied continuously.