The effects of disconnection and shunt procedure on hepatic hemodynamics and function of active cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension
摘要: 活动性肝硬化门静脉高压症患者 30例随机分为断流组和分流组。同期内科保守治疗的同类患者 30例为对照组。手术后分流组的门静脉血流量 (PVF)、自由门静脉压 (FPP)和肝总血流量 (HTF)显著下降 ,R15ICG明显增加 ,与断流组比较差异显著 (均P <0 0 5 )。治疗后 1年断流组的肝炎好转率优于分流组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,肝功能正常率显著高于其它两组 (均P <0 0 5 )。表明断流术有利于肝炎的恢复。Abstract: active cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension were divided randomly into disconnection group and shunt group. Such 30 patients undergone medical treatments were as contrast group. The decrease of FPP and PVF and HTF and the increase of R 15 ICG in shunt group were more significative than that in disconnection group postoperatively (all P <0 05) . The normal rate of hepatic function in disconnection group was higher than that in shunt group ( P <0 05) and contrast group ( P<0 05) and hepatitis improving rate in disconnection group was higher than that in shunt group ( P <0 05) within 1 year. The results indicated that disconnection procedure had some advantages to recovery of hepatitis of these patients.
Key words:
- Portal hypertension /
- Hepatitis B /
- Hemodynamics /
- Liver function /
- Portoazysos disconnection
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