Formation of gallstones by feeding on high cholesterol diet
摘要: 通过高胆固醇饮食对胆结石形成的动物试验 ,探讨高胆固醇饮食的成石原因和机理 ,为在饮食上预防胆结石的形成提供试验依据 ,为胆结石的临床治疗和病人的康复提出理论依据 ,并为今后胆固醇结石的研究提供适宜的动物模型。本研究以狗作为试验动物 ,用 0 3%的高胆固醇饲料进行试验喂养 ,连续喂养 6周 ,观察动物胆结石的形成 ,测定血中胆固醇和甘油三酯水平 ,分析胆汁中成分的改变。在试验四周内试验组动物形成胆结石 ,且成石率为 10 0 % ,结石直径为 1mm~ 11mm。试验组动物血清胆固醇和甘油三酯水平显著提高 (p <0 0 1) ,胆汁中胆固醇和胆固醇结晶显著升高 (p <0 0 1)。通过高胆固醇膳食 ,试验动物血清及胆固醇和甘油三酯水平增加 ,胆汁中胆固醇增加 ,成石性胆汁形成。提示胆固醇代谢的异常变化在胆囊结石中起作用。Abstract: To form gallstones in dogs by feeding high cholesterol diet and to study the reason.Gallstone animal model was formed inducing by feeding 0.3% high cholesterol diet for 6 weeks and studied on the serum cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) level, bile cholesterol and cholesterol crystal.The gallstones were found in the all dogs by feeding high cholesterol diet for 4 weeks.Gallstones were 1mm-11mm in diameter.The serum cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) level increased significantly ( P<0 01 ) .Cholesterol and crystal cholesterol in bile increased greatly.Serum cholesterol, triglyceride level increased significantly and cholesterol and crystal cholesterol in bile increased greatly by feeding on high cholesterol diet.It is suggested that abnormal cholesterol metabolism plays an important role in gallstone formation.
Key words:
- Cholesterol gallstone /
- Animal /
- High cholesterol diet
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