Expression of TAP and HLA-Ⅰ antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 为探明肝细胞癌 (HCC)组织中抗原Ⅰ类递呈途径的存在状况 ,采用免疫组织化学技术对 3 0例HCC和2 8例癌旁组织中TAP与HLA -Ⅰ类抗原的表达进行了检测。结果显示 ,HCC和癌旁组织基本上都有较强的TAP和HLA -Ⅰ类抗原的表达 ,两者无明显差异 (x2 <0 0 2 ,P >0 0 5 ) ,这表明HCC中抗原Ⅰ类递呈途径可能基本正常 ,胞毒性T细胞 (CTL)能够杀伤HCC细胞 ,这就为针对HCC的CTL表位肽疫苗的设计和构建提供了实验研究基础Abstract: To determine the functional state of class Ⅰ presenting pathway for antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , the expression of TAP and HLA-Ⅰ antigens were detected in 30 cases of HCC and 28 cases of tissues-surrounding tumor by immunohistochemistry. The results showed most HCC and tissues-surrounding tumor tested had strong expression of TAP and HLA-Ⅰ antigens, there was no statistical difference between them (x 2<0.02, P>0.05) . It was suggested that there could be a functional class Ⅰ presenting pathway for antigens in HCC. These make it possible that cytotoxic T cells can kill the HCC cells, and provide experimental basis for design for HCC CTL eptope peptide vaccine.
Key words:
- hepatocellular carcinoma /
- TAP /
- HLA-Ⅰ antigens /
- immunohistochemistry
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