Clinical and pathologic changes of severe hepatitis related with HCV/HBV superinfetion
摘要: 探讨HCV/HBV重叠感染重症肝炎的发病机制。用直接酶标法检测肝组织内HCVAg ,用PAP法检测肝组织内HBsAg、HBcAg。在 2 64例肝病肝组织中共检出 15例HCVAg阳性患者 ( 5 7% ) ,肝内HCVAg阳性细胞表现为胞浆型 9例、核浆型 2例、核型 4型。胞浆型HCVAg阳性患者肝组织内还检出HBsAg阳性 5例、HBcAg阳性 3例 ,胞浆型HCVAg阳性肝细胞疏松水肿 ,并可见淋巴细胞围绕。HCV/HBV重叠感染重症肝炎组与单纯HBV阳性重症肝炎组相比较 ,前者肝损害程度严重 ,结果提示HCV与HBV二者有相互促进作用 ,从而加重肝脏的损害Abstract: To investigate the pathologic mechanism of severe hepatitis related with HCV/HBV superinfection. Methods S-P, PAP were used to detect HCVAg, HBsAg, HBcAg in the liver tissues, respectively. Among 264 patients with liver diseases, 15 patients (5.7%) were found to be HCVAg positive in the liver tissues, in which 9 cases were cytoplasmic type, 2 cases were nucleocytoplasmic type, and 4 cases were nuclic type. In the cytoplasmic type cases, liver cells were loosen and swollen, and were surrounded with lymphocytes. The degree of liver damage is higher in severe hepatitis related with HCV/HBV superinfection than that in severe hepatitis related with simple HBV infection. It is suggested that HCV and HBV have a coordinate effects on aggravating liver damage.
Key words:
- Superinfection /
- HCVAg /
- Direct enzyme-labelling assay
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