Clinical study on the treatment of hepatic cancer with RFA combined with percaulaneous ethanol injection
摘要: 探讨射频联合无水酒精注射治疗肝癌的临床效果。对 81例不能手术的肝癌患者按住院先后顺序分为两组 ,分别给予射频联合无水酒精注射 4 1例和单纯射频治疗 4 0例。联合组病灶变小 2 9例 ,AFP阳性的 2 0例治疗后AFP均有不同程度的下降 ,单纯射频治疗组病灶变小 19例 ,AFP阳性的 2 4例治疗后 18例AFP下降 ,两组比较差异有显著意义。射频联合无水酒精注射治疗肝癌是一种安全有效的综合治疗方法 ,可提高肝癌的治疗效果Abstract: To evaluate the clinical effect of RFA combined with percaulaneous ethanol injection. 81 cases of hepatic cancer which was not suitable for operation was divided into two groups. 41 cases were treated with RFA combined with percaulaneous ethanol injection and 40 cases with RFA only. In RFA combined with percaulaneous ethanol injection group. cancer shrinked in 29 cases.AFP decreased in 20 primary cancer cases whose AFP was positive. In RFA group, the hepatic cancer shrinked in 19 cases. AFP in 18/24 primary cancer cases decreased. There was no severe. complications in two groups. The difference of AFP decreasing ratio was significant in two groups (P<0.05) The difference of shrinking ratio was significant in two groups (P<0.05) . The treatment of RFA combined with percaulaneous ethanol injection was a safe and effective therapy for hepatic cancer, and may elevate the treatment effect of hepatic cancer.
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