Associated factors of disease progression in HIV/HCV co-infection
摘要: 探讨HIV/HCV重叠感染患者病情进展的原因和影响预后的相关因素。选择HIV/HCV重叠感染患者这一特定人群 ,按照疾病进展分成艾滋病组 (AIDS)和HIV感染组 (freeofAIDS) ,回顾性分析两组间免疫功能、HIV病毒载量、肝脏功能的差异 ,探讨可能影响病情进展的相关因素。艾滋病组与HIV感染组比较 :艾滋病组患者的细胞免疫功能 (CD+ 4 T、CD+ 8T)均低于HIV感染组 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 0 0 1;P =0 0 0 3) ;HIV病毒载量在艾滋病组明显高于HIV感染组 ,差异显著 (P =0 0 0 5 ) ;艾滋病组的肝脏功能 (ALT、AST)明显高于HIV感染组 (P值分别为 0 0 4 3、0 0 0 2 ) ;蛋白合成指标 (TP、ALB)艾滋病组较HIV感染组低下 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 0 0 1)。以Logistic回归分析 ,CD+ 4 T、感染时间和ALB是预测疾病进展的独立危险因素 (P <0 0 0 1)。回归方程预测准确率为 97 0 %。HIV/HCV重叠感染可加快病情进展 ,ALB与CD...
- 人免疫缺陷病毒 /
- 丙型肝炎病毒 /
- 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 /
- CD+4细胞 /
- 白蛋白
Abstract: To discuss the reason of disease progression in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. Retrospective study was designed to analysis the immunological function, HIV-RNA Viralload liver function and prognosis in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. According to the disease progression, the patients are divided into two groups: AIDS group and free of AIDS group. The difference of immunological function, liver function in groups was performed statistics analysis. Immunological function (CD + 4T, CD + 8T) are lower in AIDS group than in free of AIDS group (P<0.001;P=0.003) , HIV-RNA viral load is higher in AIDS group than in free of AIDS group (P=0.005) . In the aspect of liver function alanine and aspartate aminotramsferase (ALT, AST) are higher in AIDS group than in free of AIDS group (P=0.043;P=0.002) . Total protein (TP) and albumin (ALB) are lower in AIDS group than in free of AIDS group (P<0.001) . Logistic analysis predicts that CD + 4T, duration of HCV infection and ALB are independent risk factors (P<0.001) . Predicted percentage of correct is 97.0%. HIV/HCV co-infection effect each other, increasing the disease progression. Albumin, CD + 4T cell and duration of HCV infection are independent risk factors of AIDS progression. -
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