Evaluation study of CT volumetry in quantitative diagnosis of liver cirrhosis
摘要: 研究肝硬化患者肝容积、脾容积及脾 /肝比值的异常 ,评价对肝硬化CT定量诊断的价值。收集肝硬化患者 5 0例 ,正常对照组 5 0例。用CT分别测量两组的相关指标 ,并进行组间及组内比较分析。结果正常肝和肝硬化的肝容积值分别为 (10 6 8 3± 2 0 1 7)cm3 和 (783 6± 196 2 )cm3 (P <0 0 0 0 1) ;脾 /肝比值分别为 (0 12± 0 0 3)和(0 73± 0 4 ) (P <0 0 0 0 1)。随Child -Pugh分级递增 ,肝容积有递减 ,脾 /肝比值有递增趋势。因此 ,CT肝脾容积测量在肝硬化定量诊断中有重要价值。Abstract: The variance of liver volume, spleen volume, the ratios of spleen to liver in liver cirrhosis were observed by CT measuring volumetry. So that laid a foundation of CT quantitative diagnosis for liver cirrhosis. The study included 100 subjects in total divided into 2 groups, the cirrhosis study group (50) and the normal control group (50) .All of 100 subjects had plain CT and/or enhanced CT scanning and clinical materials. The liver volume and the spleen volume of the means and standard deviations of liver group were (1068.3±201.7) cm 3 and (783.6±196.2) cm 3 respectively. The difference between the two means of liver volumes was significant statistically (P<0.0001) . The ratios of spleen to liver were (0.12±0.03) and (0.73±0.4) for the two groups respectively. The difference between the two ratio was significant in statistics (P<0.0001) . By one-way analysis of variance it showed that, the liver volume decreased as Child-Pugh grade increased, and the ratio of spleen to liver volume increased as Child-Pugh grade increased. liver volumetry may be one of important indices available for quantitative diagnosis of liver cirrhosis.
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- tomography /
- volumetry /
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