Relationship among Serological Hepatitis B Virus Infection Marker, HBV DNA level and Gender.
摘要: 探讨HBV感染者血清标志物、HBVDNA水平和性别之间的关系。选择 4 95例HBsAg阳性的血清标本和5 0 2例HBVDNA高于 1× 10 8copy/ml以上的血清标本 ,分别通过ELISA法以及实时荧光定量法进行HBV感染血清标志物HBVDNA的检测。三种组合〔组合 1为HBsAg(+)HBeAg(+)抗 -HBc(+) ,组合 2为HBsAg(+)抗 -HBe(+)抗 -HBc(+) ,组合 3为HBsAg(+)抗 -HBc(+)〕的HBVDNA阳性率 (分别为 95 %、18%和 5 3% )存在极显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ;女性在HBeAg阴性模式中的比例与在HBeAg阳性模式中的比例差异显著 (P <0 0 5 )。HBV感染血清标志物、HBVDNA水平和性别之间存在着重要的关系 ;对于组合 3的患者要给予足够重视 ;女性在高HBVDNA水平而且HBeAg阴性组合中的比例非常小 ,这也许与女性在肝癌患者中所占比例较低存在着一定的关系。
- 乙肝 /
- HBV感染血清标志物 /
- DNA水平 /
- 性别
Abstract: To explore the relationship among serological hepatitis B virus infection marker, HBV DNA level and gender of serum samples. 495 HBsAg positive samples and 502 samples which HBV DNA level was higher than 1×10 8 copy /ml were detected by ELISA and fluorescent quantitative PCR methods. Result: (1) HBV DNA positive rate was 95% in HBsAg (+) HBeAg (+) anti-HBc (+) samples, 18% in HBsAg (+) anti-HBe (+) anti-HBc (+) samples and 53% in HBsAg (+) anti-HBc (+) samples. There was remarkable difference of positive rate among these three models (P<0.01) ; (2) There was significant difference of ratio between HBeAg negative and HBeAg positive females (P<0.05) . So: (1) There was important relationship among serological hepatitis B virus infection marker, HBV DNA level and gender; (2) The HBsAg (+) anti-HBc (+) patients should be especially noticed; (3) The ratio of HBeAg negative female patients with high HBV DNA level was very low, probably according to the low ratio of liver cancer female patients.-
Key words:
- Hepatitis B /
- serological hepatitis B virus infection marker /
- HBV DNA level /
- gender
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