Distribution of HCV genotypes and its clinical features in patients coinfected with HCV and HBV
摘要: 探讨丙型、乙型肝炎病毒混合感染的基因型特点及临床特征。采用ELISA法进行病毒血清标志物检测 ,采用PCR -微板核酸杂交 -ELISA法进行HBV -DNA定量及HCV -RNA基因分型检测。丙型、乙型肝炎病毒混合感染者HCV -RNA及HBV -DNA阳性率 (72 5 1%和 30 4 1% )分别低于丙型、乙型肝炎病毒单独感染者 (85 4 2 %和 6 0 72 % ) ,Ⅰ / 1a型和Ⅲ / 2a型HCV与HBV混合感染较同类基因型HCV单独感染明显增加 ,Ⅱ / 1b型丙型肝炎病毒合并乙型肝炎病毒感染者血清转氨酶及总胆红素水平最高 ,白蛋白和胆碱酯酶水平最低 ,尽管HCV、HBV混合感染的临床症状可能更为严重 ,但在病毒学上两者的确存在着相互抑制作用Abstract: To investigate HCV genotypes and its clinical features in patients coinfected with HCV and HBV. HBV quantification and HCV genotypes were detected by sandwich hybidization on microplate.Serum marker of HBV and HCV were dectected using ELISA assay. Positive rates of HCV-RNA and HBV-DNA in patients with both HCV and HBV (72.51% and 30.41%) were lower than those with HCV or HBV alone (85.42% and 60.72%) . Frequency of type Ⅰ/1a and Ⅲ/2a in coinfection were higher than those in infection alone. Serum levels of ALT and TBil in Ⅱ/1b HCV-HBV coinfection were the highest and that of ALB and CHE were the lowest. Inhibition do exists between HCV and HBV although the syndrome of coinfection may more severe.
Key words:
- Hepatitis C virus /
- Hepatitis B virus /
- Genotype
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