Clinical study of Bicyclol treatment in chronic viral hepatitis B.
摘要: 初步探讨双环醇治疗慢性乙型肝炎的保肝、抗病毒效果 ,并比较双环醇对不同基因型的乙肝患者的疗效。选取 33例慢性乙型肝炎患者 ,口服双环醇 2 5mg每日 3次 ,6个月。治疗前测乙型肝炎病毒基因型 ,治疗结束后分析不同基因型乙肝患者ALT、AST、HBeAg、HBVDNA变化。复常率ALT2 1例 (6 3 6 % ) ,AST15例 (4 5 5 % ) ,转阴率HBeAg :11例 (33 3% ) ,HBVDNA :9例 (2 7 3% )。B型和C型抗病毒总有效率分别是 5例 (4 1 7% )、8例 (4 0 0 % )。双环醇治疗慢性乙型肝炎有较好的保护肝细胞抑制乙肝病毒的效果。基因型B型和C型患者对双环醇疗效比较无显著差异Abstract: To observe the efficacy of bicyclol on chronic viral hepatitis B patients and to study if different genotype of hepatitis B virus has different response to bicyclol treatment. 33 patients with chronic hepatitis B were treated with bicyclol, 25mg 3/day The duration of treatment is 6 months. Genotype of HBV were investigated before treatment. Hepatitis B markers (HBeAg, HBVDNA) and liver (ALT, AST) were determined before and after treatment. The prevalence of viral genotype in the patients was B 12 (36.4%) , C 20 (60.6%) , D 1 (3.0%) , respectively The elevated serum ALT and AST returned to normal rate by 63.6% and 45.5%, respectively 33.3% of HBeAg and 27.3% of HBVDNA of the patients become negative from positive. Among all patients with HBV genotypes B and C, antiviral response rate was up to in 41.7% and 40.0%. Bicyclol not only has hepatoprotective activity but also inhibited virus replication. The difference of the response to bicyclol therapy between genotype B and C was not statistically significant.
Key words:
- chronic hepatitis B /
- bicyclol /
- hepatitis B virus /
- genotype
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