The GH resistance of liver cirrhosis improved by rGH therapy.
摘要: 评价重组人生长激素对不同Child -Pugh积分肝炎肝硬化患者生长激素抵抗的改善及对低蛋白血症的影响 ,根据Child -Pugh积分分为 <9组 ,2 5例 ; 9组 ,2 6例两组。再采用随机区组设计方法对上述患者分组治疗 ,治疗组 (各 16、15例 )用重组人生长激素 (0 2 5U/kg·d) ,对照组 (各 9、11例 )予人血白蛋白 (10g/d)治疗 10天。用放射免疫法测定治疗前、治疗后 2 4h及治疗结束时的血清生长激素 (GH ,μg/L)、类胰岛素生长因子 (IGF) - 1(μg/L)。肝硬化患者GH水平高于健康人 (P <0 0 5 ) ,但IGF - 1水平明显降低 (P <0 0 1)。经重组人生长激素治疗后 ,肝硬化患者生长激素抵抗均有不同程度改善 (P <0 0 1)。观察结束两治疗组比较 ,积分高组较之低组GH一直维持较高水平 (9 91± 7 6 1,4 75± 3 94 ,P <0 0 5 ) ,且IGF - 1上升幅度低 (4 8 4 3± 16 88,6 3 4 7± 2 2 19,P <...
- 肝硬化 /
- 生长激素 /
- 类胰岛素生长因子-1 /
- 白蛋白
Abstract: To evaluate the effect of recombined human growth hormone therapy on the GH resistance state of liver cirrhosis with different Child-Pugh score and on their low serum albumen state. 51 patients were divided into two groups, including Child-pugh 5-8, 25 cases and Child-Pugh 9-15, 26 cases. Cases were further divided into treatment group (treated with rGH) and control group (The treated with human blood albumen) according to randonized block design for 10 days. Plasma GH, IGF-1 were measured by RIA before treatment, 24h after treatment and the end of treatment, respectively. GH level in liver cirrhosis is higher than that in health (P<0.05) , but IGF-1 level decrease obviously (P<0.01) . The GH resistance of liver cirrhosis was improved by rGH therapy. At the end of treatment, GH level of liver cirrhosis in Child-Pugh 9-15 is higher than that in Child-Pugh 5-8 (9.91±7.61 vs 4.75±3.94, μg/L, P<0.05) , contrarily, IGF-1 level is less (48.43±16.88 vs 63.47±22.19, μg/L, P<0.05) .Low ALB level in liver cirrhosis were improved by rGH therapy. The GH resistance in liver cirrhosis, especially low Child-Pugh score cirrhosis, and their low albumen state can be improved by rGH therapy.-
Key words:
- liver cirrhosis /
- growth hormone /
- insulin growth factor-1 /
- albumen
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