The value of red cell nature-immune-adhesion activity in judging the severity of the patient with hepatocirrhosis.
摘要: 动态观察肝炎肝硬化患者红细胞天然免疫黏附功能 (RNIAA)的变化 ,探讨其在评估肝炎肝硬化病情严重程度中的应用价值。分别检测 4 0例肝炎肝硬化患者治疗前、治疗后 15天和 30天的RNIAA ,并与胆碱酯酶、凝血酶原活动度及代表肝脏功能状况的病情积分相比较。在病情逐渐加重的肝硬化组 ,其RNIAA相应逐渐下降 ,病情明显好转的肝硬化患者 ,随其病情好转或恢复RNIAA显著回升 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而CHE、PTA变化不明显 (P >0 0 5 )。肝硬化患者红细胞RNIAA的变化与病情程度积分密切相关 (r =0 74 )。红细胞天然免疫黏附功能比CHE、PTA等指标更灵敏地反映肝炎肝硬化患者病情的发展 ,可作为判断肝炎肝硬化病情严重程度的重要指标Abstract: To study the changes of red cell nature-immune-adhesion activity (RNIAA) in hepatocirrhosis patients, and investigate the significance of RNIAA in judging the severity of cirrhosis. RNIAA had been used in 40 cases of hepatocirrhosis before treatment, 15days and 30 days after treatment. ALB, TBil, CHE, PT/PTA, but CHE, PT/PTA and the scores of the severity of patient were also analyzed at the same time. RNIAA decreased when the illness being aggravated and increased when the disease recovery, but CHE, PT/PTA were insistent no exactly change. There was a good relationship between RNIAA and the severity of cirrhosis (r=0.74) . The changes of RNIAA in cirrhosis were more sensitive than that of CHE, PT/PTA in short time. It is an important index to reflect the severity of liver function in clinic.
Key words:
- red cell /
- nature-immune-adhesion activity /
- cirrhosis /
- liver function
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