Study of relationship between the serum viral load and ALT level and response to interferon therapy.
摘要: 探讨慢性乙型肝炎患者血清病毒载量及ALT水平在预测IFN疗效中作用。 5 0例慢乙肝患者接受重组IFN治疗 2 4周并随访一年以上。IFN治疗后 2 0例患者 (4 0 % )持续应答 ,应答组治疗前HBVDNA水平显著低于无应答组 (P <0 0 5 )。 5 0例IFN治疗患者中 2 6例 (5 2 % )为高病毒血症水平 (HBVDNA >10 7Copies /ml) ,2 4例 (4 8% )为低病毒血症水平 (HBVDNA <10 7Copies /ml) ,低病毒血症水平组血清HBVDNA及HBeAg阴转率显著高于高病毒血症水平组 (5 4 %vs 2 5 %和 4 6 1%vs16 7% ,P均 <0 0 5 )。多变量分析显示 ,治疗前高水平ALT、低HBVDNA含量及治疗过程中ALT明显升高 (>4倍以上 )是判断干扰素治疗的患者HBVDNA阴转的独立预测因素 (P <0 0 5 )。乙型肝炎病毒载量及治疗前和治疗过程中ALT升高与IFN应答密切相关Abstract: To investigate the relationship between serum HBV load and ALT level and their predictive role on response to interferon therapy. Fifty patients were treated with recombinant interferon for 24 weeks and followed-up for more than one year. The results showed that 20 patients (40%) had sustained response. The serum HBV load pretreatment of sustained responses was significantly lower than that of no responders (P<0.05) .In this study, we divided the patients into two groups based on mean pretreatment HBV DNA levels: 26 patients (52%) were classified as having high-levels viremia (HBV DNA levels>10 7 copies/ml) , and 24 patients (48%) had low-level viremia (HBV DNA levels<10 7 copies/ml) .The rate of sustained loss of both HBV DNA and HBeAg was significantly greater in the low viremia groups (54% vs 25% and 46.1% vs 16.7%, P<0.05) .By multivariate analysis, low HBV DNA, high ALT levels pretreatment, and ALT flare (>four fold) were independently predictive factors (P<0.05) . This study suggest that low-level viral load and high levels of ALT before treatment and ALT severe flare are correlation osculationly to response to interferon in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
Key words:
- hepatitis B /
- viral load /
- interferon /
- response
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