Clinical analysis of 146 cases of alcoholic liver diseases.
摘要: 对 14 6例酒精性肝病 (ALD)患者进行临床分析 ,以 80例病毒肝炎肝硬化为对照组 ,分析ALD的流行病学、临床表现、实验室检查 ,AC(酒精性肝硬化 )相关因素及戒酒后保肝药物疗效。结果显示 :入院的ALD患者皆为男性 ,以AC最多见。发病高峰于中、青年 (35~ 5 5岁 )。ALD的肝炎病毒感染率为 16 4 4 % ,高于一般人群。AC的发生并非完全同日饮酒量及饮酒年限呈正相关。肝炎病毒感染使AC的肝脏损害加重 ,且为AC发展至肝癌的危险因素。ALD临床表现无特异性 ,但AC时肝脏肿大较病毒肝炎后肝硬化时多见。ALD的血清酶学 (AST、ALT、GGT)水平皆高于正常 ,以GGT升高为主。戒酒后 ,保肝药物治疗AC的疗效优于病毒肝炎后肝硬化。Abstract: cases of ALD are analyzed clinically. 80 cases of viral posthepatitic cirrhosis are matched controls, we analyze the epidemiology, clinical situation, laboratory test, related factors of AC (alcoholic cirrhosis) and the effect of drug to protect liver after temperance. ALD patients hospitalized are all male, the majority of them is AC. The peak of episode is in the youth and the middle-age (35-55years old) . The infectious rate of hepatitis virus of ALD is 16.44% which is higher than that of the general. There is no completely positive correlation between the occurrence of AC and amount for liquor taken daily and the time limit of drinking. The infection of hepatitis virus aggravates the liver lesion of AC and is the risk factor for AC develope to hepatocarcinoma. The clinical situation of ALD has no specificity, but liver tumefaction is more common in AC than in viral posthepatitic cirrhosis. The serum levels of enzyme (AST、ALT、GGT) are above normality, and the step-up of GGT take advantage. After temperance, the effect of drug to protect liver in AC is better than in viral posthepatitic cirrhosis.
Key words:
- alcoholic liver disease /
- viral hepatitis
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