Long-term culture and induce differentiation of hepatic stem cells from human fetal liver in vitro
摘要: 为体外分离培养和诱导分化人胎肝干细胞 ,从原代分离培养人胎肝干细胞集落 ,免疫细胞化学鉴定细胞集落分子标志物的表达 ;在体外特定细胞因子作用下诱导干细胞定向分化为成熟肝脏细胞 ,对其生物学特性进行初步鉴定。结果 ,从人胎肝组织中成功分离表达AFP、Albumin、Cytokeratin等标志物的胎肝干细胞集落 ,在体外特定细胞因子作用下肝干细胞可定向分化为成熟肝脏细胞。因此人胎肝中同样存在具有干细胞特性的原始细胞 ,体外可定向分化为成熟肝细胞。人胎肝干细胞的分离培养对于生物型人工肝的制备及其深入研究奠定了良好的基础Abstract: To separate hepatic stem cells (HSCs) from human fetal liver and to study their differentiation potentiality. Cells isolated from cord vein of fetal by perfusion digestion were cultured in vitro. Their characteristics were identified by immunocytochemistry. Cells isolated from fetal liver grew as colonies in vitro and could be subcultured stably. When the cells were cultured in the differential system, they could differentiated into hepatocytes. The results suggest the existence of bipotential hepatic stem cells in fetal liver, and their successful subculture paves the way for further study of bioartificial liver.
Key words:
- fetal liver stem cell /
- cultured /
- differentiation
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