The factor analysis of accelerating liver function failure in the patients with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection
摘要: 探讨HIV/HCV重叠感染患者肝脏功能进展的原因。回顾性比较HIV/HCV重叠感染患者和单独HCV感染患者两组的肝脏功能、病理情况、感染时间、免疫功能及综合分析HCVRNA定性检测与HCV抗体检测在两组中的异同。HIV/HCV重叠感染患者中肝功异常者占 5 8 5 % ,HCV感染组为 85 5 % ,肝功损伤程度亦较后者轻微 (P<0 0 5 ) ;两组患者在肝脏病理炎症活动和纤维化程度方面差异无显著性 (P =0 187,0 95 4 ) ;而重叠感染患者进展到肝功能异常的时间较单独HCV感染者提前 8年 (P <0 0 0 1) ;免疫功能方面 (CD+ 4 T、CD+ 8T)重叠感染者组与单独HCV感染者组比较 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 0 0 1;P <0 0 0 1) ;HCVRNA(+)同时HCV抗体 (+)的人数与HCVRNA(+)同时HCV抗体 (- )的人数比较在重叠感染组为 5 2∶9例 ,在HCV感染组 4 4∶1例 ,两组间差异显著P =0 0 4 3。HIV/HCV重叠感染可加速丙型病毒性肝炎的进展 ,可能与HIV对...Abstract: To study the causes of accelerating liver function failure in the patients with HIV/HCV coinfection. The patients were divided into two groups, HIV/HCV coinfection group (n=82) and simple HCV infection group (n=62) . A retrospective study was designed to compare liver function, pathology of liver tissue, the time of infection, immune function, qualitative assay of HCV-RNA and HCV antibody between the two groups. Although there was significant difference between two groups on liver function (P<0.05) , but there were no significant differences in degree of inflammation of liver and degree of liver fibrosis in the two groups (P=0.187, 0.954) . However, the time when liver abnormality occurred in the patients with HIV/HCV coinfection was earlier 8 years than those with simple HCV infection (P<0.001) .There were significant differences between the two groups on the count of CD + 4T and CD + 8T (P<0.001, P<0.001) .Comparing the cases of HCVRNA (+) and anti-HCV (+) with the cases of HCVRNA (+) and anti-HCV (-) , we found that the ratio was 52 to 9 in the group of HIV/HCV coinfection, and 44 to 1 in the group of simple HCV infection. The difference was statistically significant between the two groups (P=0.043) . HIV/HCV coinfection can accelerate deterioration of hepatitis C, which maybe due to the effect of HIV on cellular immunity and humoral immunity.
Key words:
- HIV virus /
- Hepatitis C Virus /
- CD + 4T cell /
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