Study on transfusion transmitted virus in liver tissue of people with no viral hepatitis by the method of in situ hybridization.
摘要: 检测非病毒性肝炎人群肝组织中经输血传播病毒 (TTV)感染情况 ,探讨其致病性。采用原位杂交方法检测非病毒性肝炎人群肝组织中TT病毒核酸 (TTVDNA)的表达与分布 ,观察肝组织学变化。 32例非病毒性肝炎人群肝组织中检出TTVDNA阳性 9例 (2 8 1% )。原位杂交阳性信号为蓝紫色 ,细颗粒状 ,主要定位于肝细胞核内 ,肝细胞胞浆内多呈弱表达。阳性细胞在肝小叶内散在分布。阳性病例的切片经HE染色后 ,6例 (6 6 7% )有轻微的肝组织病理改变 ,包括肝细胞胞浆疏松化、嗜酸性变以及汇管区的扩大和淋巴细胞浸润等。而 2 3例TTVDNA阴性者中 ,仅 6例 (2 6 1% )有轻微的病理变化 (x2 =4 4 8,P =0 0 4 8)。非病毒性肝炎人群肝组织TTV感染均较为常见 ,在非病毒性肝炎人群尽管没有血清生化指标的改变 ,但多数存在有轻微的病理改变Abstract: To study the existence of transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) in liver tissue taken from the people with no viral hepatitis and it's pathogenicity. The existence of TTV DNA in liver tissue was demonstrated by the method of in situ hybridization (ISH) . TTV DNA was detected in 9 from 32 cases (28.1%) by the method of in situ hybridization. The positive signals were localized in nucleus mainly or weakly expression in cytoplasm of liver cell. The positive cells were scatter or cluster form distributed in the lobule. Among 9 positive cases, 6 liver samples could been found mild histological changes (66.7%) , such as swollen, acidophilic degeneration, and lymphocytic infiltrate in portal tract, which were seminal to changes of hepatitis. Those histopathological changes could been seen only in 6 from 23 TTV DNA negative cases (26.1%) (x 2=4.48, P=0.048) . TT virus infection is more common in people with no hepatitis. Most of them had a mild histopathological changes although their serological tests could be kept normal.
Key words:
- People with no viral hepatitis /
- liver tissue /
- in situ hybridization /
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