The preventive effect of RuanJianHuGanPian and GanCaoTianSuPian on postoperative recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 探索有效、安全、价廉的预防肝癌根治术后复发的药物。对符合入选条件的小肝癌根治术后患者按自愿分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组服用软坚护肝片加甘草甜素片 ,对照组服用葫芦素片加肌苷。治疗 12个月以上 ,长期追踪。治疗组 3、5年肝癌术后复发率 11 6 9%及 15 5 % ,比对照组 30 36 %及 39 2 9%显著低 (P <0 0 5 )。治疗组 3、5年肝癌术后生存率 80 0 %、6 8 8% ,明显高于对照组 5 6 0 %、37 7% (P <0 0 5 )。软坚护肝片和甘草甜素协同对预防肝癌术后复发并提高生存率有较好的作用Abstract: To probe the effective, safe and economical medicine of preventing recurrence or the second carcinoma after radical resection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Divided the qualified patients after radical resection of small hepatic carcinoma into 2 groups according to their wills. One group had RuanJianHuGanPian and GanCaoTianSuPian for more than 12 months, while the control group had HuLuSuPian and inosine. All of them were long-term followed up. The patients `recurrence rates at 3 and 5 years was 11.69% and 15.55%, which were statistically inferior to that in control group with 30.36% and 39.29% respectively (P<0.05) . The patients 3, 5years survival rate was 80.0%, 68.8% which were statistically superior to that in the control group with 56.0% and 37.2% respectively. Ruan Jian Hu-Gan Pian cooperating with GanCaoTianSuPian has the advantage of preventing recurrence after radical resection of hepatocellular carcinoma and increase the survival rate.
Key words:
- RuanJianHuGanPian /
- GanCaoTianSuPian /
- After radical resection of hepatic carcinoma /
- Hepatitis B /
- AFB1
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